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攝影 Photographer

Sam Sir's Team & Polaris


Sam Sir

劉錦麟先生(Sam Sir),資深專業攝影師,香港國際幻影會主席,持香港公開大學商業攝影專業文憑,超過40年攝影經驗,曾獲多項國際攝影比賽冠軍,包括美好人生-倫敦(國際攝影大賽)總冠軍(1983)、斯里蘭卡(櫻花國際攝影大賽)全場總冠軍(1985),擅長於運動攝影、婚禮攝影、大型活動攝影、天文攝影、舞台攝影,足跡遍佈多項大型國際體育活動,包括國際七人欖球賽、渣打馬拉松、香港馬術大師賽、香港單車節、國際龍舟邀請賽、各國際網球賽事、全港公開舞蹈比賽等等。

Sam Sir同時為資深攝影課程導師,於香港義務工作發展局、香港再培訓局、工聯會、女青年會、明愛中心等多間機構教學40多年,學生累積人數達5萬人次,更創立Zone Image Photography非牟利攝影會,以推動香港攝影藝術發展,培訓本港攝影藝術人材,並組織攝影義工參與活動,回饋社會。


資深攝影師,The Moment Studio創辦人,擁有超過10年攝影經驗,擅長拍攝舞蹈,用影像捕捉舞蹈員動態。經過多年的努力,Polaris得到各界認同,並憑著其個人風格作品,曾為全港公開舞蹈比賽、全港學界舞蹈音樂節等多個大型舞蹈比賽擔任大會攝影師。於2017年香港舞蹈團大型舞劇的「倩女幽魂」中,Polaris作品更獲報章重點推介。


Sam Sir

Mr. Lau Kam Lun (Sam Sir) is a senior photographer and the chairman of BSC and holds a Professional Diploma in Commercial Photography in The Open University of Hong Kong. He have over 40 years of photography experience and has been the Champion of many International photography competition, including the Champion of “Johnnie Walker Beautiful Life – London World photo Competition”(1983)、the Champion of “Sri Lanka World Photo Competition”(1985). He is specialising in sport and movement photography, wedding photography, event’s photography, Astrophotography and Stage photography. His works can be found all over many large scale of international sport events such as Hong Kong Sevens, Hong Kong Marathon , Hong Kong Masters event, Hong Kong Cyclothon, Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Regatta,

Every International Tennis competition and The Open Dance contest.


At the same time Mr Lau Kam Lun have been the teacher of professional photography course in Agency for volunteer service, Employees Retraining Board, Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, YWCA, Caritas Social Centre and many more organisations for more than 40 years, His cumulative number of students have has reached to 50000. He founded a non-profitable photography club- Zone Image Photography aim to promote the development of the art of photography in Hong Kong , train potential local photographers and organise photography volunteers activities to contribute to the society


Polaris is a senior photographer and the founder of the moment studio. He has over 10 years of photography experience, he is good at dance photography and capture the moment of dancers with images. After years of hard works, Polaris earned recognition by different sectors of the community and with his own style of works, he has served as the conference photographer for many large-scale dance competition such as The Open Dance Contest and Hong Kong Schools Dance & Music Festival. In 2017, Polaris’s works has been featured on newspapers in the Hong Kong Dance Company’s grand dance drama “L ’Amour Immortal”.

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